Friday, June 21, 2013

Three Parks in Brentwood Bay, August 13, 2013


We will be leaving the centre at 9:15 am and leaving the trailhead to start the hike at 9:45 am.

Park at end of Woodward Drive off Wallace

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View Brentwood Bay - 3 Parks - June 29, 2013 in a larger map

Walk up to and through Gore Park then trail to Oakhaven Park. Go up to viewpoint, down other side pick up trail down to road. Continue down to Wallace Dr. to Tod Inlet. At end of Tod Inlet take trail up to Butchart Gardens then another trail back to car.



Name:3 Parks in Brentwood Bay
Date:2013-08-13 9:41 am
(valid until Feb 9, 2014)
View on Map
Distance:6.98 kilometers
Elapsed Time:2:34:05
Avg Speed:2.7 km/h
Max Speed:11.5 km/h
Avg Pace:22' 04" per km
Min Altitude:0 m
Max Altitude:138 m
Start Time:2013-08-13T16:41:57Z
Start Location: 
 Latitude:48º 33' 37" N
 Longitude:123º 27' 20" W
End Location: 
 Latitude:48º 33' 37" N
 Longitude:123º 27' 20" W

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