Monday, June 17, 2013

Sidney Island - August 20, 2013

We did this as June 15, 2013 Saturday Recon. We are doing it again on August 20, 2013, when we expect to have a special visitor from Smithers joining us.

Getting there

We will be taking the 10 am ferry from Beacon Pier next to the fish shop.

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Car poolers will be leaving the centre at 8:30 to ensure time for free parking and getting tickets.  Those joining us at the ferry should be there in time for the 10am ferry.  We will be taking the 1pm ferry back, or possibly the 3 pm depending on how we feel.

Fares are $19.00 return for under 65, $16 return for 65 and over.


View Sidney Island - June 15, 2013 in a larger map


Photos taken June 15, 2013 

August 20 track
Name:Sidney Island 2
Date:2013-08-20 10:26 am
(valid until Feb 16, 2014)
View on Map
Distance:8.28 kilometers
Elapsed Time:3:52:32
Avg Speed:2.1 km/h
Max Speed:13.2 km/h
Avg Pace:28' 04" per km
Min Altitude:0 m
Max Altitude:55 m
Start Time:2013-08-20T17:26:13Z
Start Location:
Latitude:48º 38' 30" N
Longitude:123º 19' 58" W
End Location:
Latitude:48º 38' 30" N
Longitude:123º 19' 58" W

Hike details
Name:Sidney Island
Date:2013-06-15 11:54 am
(valid until Dec 12, 2013)
View on Map
Distance:6.93 kilometers
Elapsed Time:2:11:40
Avg Speed:3.2 km/h
Max Speed:14.1 km/h
Avg Pace:18' 59" per km
Min Altitude:0 m
Max Altitude:56 m
Start Time:2013-06-15T18:54:07Z
Start Location:
Latitude:48º 38' 30" N
Longitude:123º 19' 59" W
End Location:
Latitude:48º 38' 30" N
Longitude:123º 19' 58" W

Ferry trip details
Name:Sidney to Sidney Island (Ferry)
Date:2013-06-15 11:29 am
(valid until Dec 12, 2013)
View on Map
Distance:4.74 kilometers
Elapsed Time:24:20.5
Avg Speed:11.7 km/h
Max Speed:18.4 km/h
Avg Pace:5' 07" per km
Min Altitude:0 m
Max Altitude:2 m
Start Time:2013-06-15T18:29:25Z
Start Location:
Latitude:48º 38' 59" N
Longitude:123º 23' 35" W
End Location:
Latitude:48º 38' 30" N
Longitude:123º 19' 59" W

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