Monday, April 2, 2012

Elk Beaver Lake Tuesday April 3, 2012

This was a great stretch of the legs, and the weather held up pretty well.  Here's our track for yesterday. Looks as if we did it a little faster than on Jan 17th!

Name:Elk/Beaver April 2012
Date:Apr 3, 2012 9:47 am
(valid until Oct 1, 2012)
View on Map
Distance:10.2 kilometers
Elapsed Time:1:53:01
Avg Speed:5.4 km/h
Max Speed:16.6 km/h
Avg Pace:11' 03" per km
Min Altitude:52 m
Max Altitude:79 m
Start Time:2012-04-03T16:47:07Z
Start Location:
Latitude:48.509253º N
Longitude:123.392073º W
End Location:
Latitude:48.509690º N
Longitude:123.390389º W

We thought the window-banger bird had just stopped its strange behaviour and moved on, but unfortunately not.  It was an evolutionary dead end. Lovely bird but a little bird-brained.

We're doing the Elk/Beaver Lake 10k clockwise  - hoping for decent weather and fairly dry walking.

When four of us did this hike on Jan 17, it was snowy but pleasant.

MotionX Track
Name:Elk/Beaver lake 10K
Date:Jan 17, 2012 9:51 am
(valid until Jul 15, 2012)
View on Map
Distance:10.2 kilometers
Elapsed Time:1:59:24
Avg Speed:5.1 km/h
Max Speed:29.6 km/h
Avg Pace:11' 42" per km
Min Altitude:47 m
Max Altitude:77 m
Start Time:2012-01-17T17:51:03Z
Start Location:
Latitude:48.524418º N
Longitude:123.389018º W
End Location:
Latitude:48.528084º N
Longitude:123.387052º W


Elk/Beaver Lake

Click for Park brochure
Outdoor opportunities for everyone

10k hike clockwise from Beaver Beach Car Park (with washrooms, shelters, playground etc.). We will park adjacent to the playground equipment shown in this picture and start the hike from the tree shown in the picture.We'll stop for breaks on the way round the trail.

Directions from Victoria and map

Follow the Pat Bay Highway from Victoria, and take the Royal Oak
Drive exit.Turn left on Royal Oak Drive to cross over the
highway, then right on Elk Lake Drive to reach the park entrance.
Allow approximately 20 minutes driving time from Victoria.

Google map from the centre

View Larger Map

Driving time is approximately 25 mins.  Car poolers will be leaving the centre at 9:15.  If meeting at the park, please be there at 9:40.

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