Monday, April 9, 2012

April 30, 2013, East Sooke Park Mt Maguire to Coppermine

Dwayne has scoped out this great hike taking in Mount Maguire and the Coppermine at East Sooke Park.   Dwayne is leading the hike - having done the recon, the track, and the pictures.

The drive out is about 40 minutes, so leave the Senior's Centre at 9:15 and arrive on Coppermine Rd at 9:55. Park where the pavement ends.
Park at the end of the pavement on Coppermine Rd (400m to trail)

The gps track was made from the end of the pavement on Coppermine Rd. The round trip total distance was 4.34 km (hiking time about 1:30). ing. It was the same route up and down.
Getting there:

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View East Sooke Park via Coppermine Rd in a larger map

Here is some hiking info for East Sooke Park.
Here's my rating of trails from the most difficult, which in ESP is the Coast Trail.
1. Road
2. Good trail, not too much up and down.
3. Good trail, quite a bit of up and down.
4. Lots of up and down, rock staircases.
5. Continuous up and down, the most difficult. ie the coast trail.

This route is very easy to the old coppermine site and the only difficult part is the short hike up the Mt Maguire trail.
You can access the trail at the end of Coppermine Rd. The pavement ends and there is a coarse gravel section that is about 200m long. 

Gordon Rd continues as the Coppermine Trail. You will pass a driveway on the right, that is the only house on Gordon Rd. About 4 minutes up Gordon Road you will come to the Park entrance sign.

Continuing on another minute or so there is a vertical pipe blocking vehicles from driving on the trail. 

From Gordon Rd a ten minute walk on the road, difficulty 1, will get you to the intersection of the Anderson Cove Trail and the Coppermine Trail.

Continuing down the Coppermine Trail you are at the mine site in another 12 minutes.

Back to the intersection of the Anderson Cove and Coppermine trails, it is 5 minutes to where the Mt Maguire Trail starts.

The Mt Maguire Trail took about 12 minutes. Mt Maguire is the highest point you can hike to in the park.

Total time from the end of Gordon Rd to the coppermine, to Mt Maguire and back to Gordon Rd was about 90 minutes. All trails are a 1, meaning they are old roads, except for the trail to the top of Mt Maguire which is a difficulty 4. It is relatively short.

1 comment:

  1. does anyone know knowledge of who actually built the mine and how long the mine operated. what all was mined there or if copper was the only mineral found there? please contact me if you have any answers,,,,Derek at
