Monday, February 4, 2013

GG6 49K to 55K and return Feb 12, 2013

We'll meet at the centre at 9 am (earlier start) and car pool to the top parking lot at Sooke Potholes. From there it's a 6K hike to the 55K marker and the same to return to the parking lot. Goose Gallop 2013 medallions will be available Feb 26, 2013 - our celebration completion of the walk with lunch to follow. 

Track (Dwayne)

View February 12, 2013 Galloping Goose 6 49 km - 55 km in a larger map


Here are some Galloping Goose Logos from the web.  Will our official Goose Gallop 2013 medallion look like any of these?

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