Friday, May 11, 2012

May 29, 2012 Hillside to WIllow Beach - the return

This was another great hike.  Here's our track for the loop.

Name:Hillside Willows Loop
Date:May 29, 2012 9:35 am
(valid until Nov 25, 2012)
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Distance:11.4 kilometers
Elapsed Time:2:20:21
Avg Speed:4.9 km/h
Max Speed:16.4 km/h
Avg Pace:12' 17" per km
Min Altitude:0 m
Max Altitude:32 m
Start Time:2012-05-29T16:35:15Z
Start Location: 
 Latitude:48.443563º N
 Longitude:123.338090º W
End Location: 
 Latitude:48.444617º N
 Longitude:123.336957º W

We enjoyed the Thursday Ramblers Hillside to Willow Beach walk so much that we are doing it again  on May 29. This time we'll be doing a loop, and returning to our starting point. After all, that's the nature of loops. It will be a great 10k or so with a lunch break and possibly even a coffee break as well.

Meet at Hillside Mall by Thrifty's, near fence at 9.35. Car poolers should leave JDF 9.15. Bring snack/lunch to eat at Willow Beach.

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Here's the track for the one-way from Hillside Mall to WIllow Beach.

Name:Hillside to Willow Beach
Date:May 10, 2012 9:36 am
(valid until Nov 7, 2012)
View on Map
Distance:5.49 kilometers
Elapsed Time:1:10:49
Avg Speed:4.7 km/h
Max Speed:21.7 km/h
Avg Pace:12' 54" per km
Min Altitude:0 m
Max Altitude:24 m
Start Time:2012-05-10T16:36:52Z
Start Location:
Latitude:48.444704º N
Longitude:123.338250º W
End Location:
Latitude:48.435604º N
Longitude:123.302234º W

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