Friday, June 14, 2013

Bear Mtn to Goldstream Park - July 23, 2013

We did this as June 8, 2013 Saturday Recon

We will do this as a two-way from the parking lot at Goldstream park.


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Car poolers will be leaving the centre at 9:15. We will be setting off from the parking lot in Goldstream park at 9:30. We will ascend to Bear Mountain resort and have coffee before heading back the way we came.  It is uphill on the outward leg and downhill all the way from there!

The track and details are from the one-way recon. 

Note the elevation profile at the end of the photos.

Track for July 23, 2013

View Mt Finlayson and Bear Mtn - July 23, 2013 in a larger map

Recon Track

View Bear Mtn to Goldstream Park - June 8, 2013 in a larger map

Slideshow July 23, 2013


Slideshow Recon


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Name:Track 001
Date:2013-06-08 9:15 am
(valid until Dec 5, 2013)
View on Map
Distance:2.15 kilometers
Elapsed Time:40:00.7
Avg Speed:3.2 km/h
Max Speed:5.4 km/h
Avg Pace:18' 35" per km
Min Altitude:14 m
Max Altitude:228 m
Start Time:2013-06-08T16:15:48Z
Start Location:
Latitude:48º 28' 37" N
Longitude:123º 31' 54" W
End Location:
Latitude:48º 28' 42" N
Longitude:123º 32' 53" W

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