Saturday, February 11, 2012

Dec 11, 2012 Pearson College

Those meeting at the centre will be leaving at 9:15.  Those meeting at the Pearson College car park should be there at 9:45.

How to get there - google map

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Here are pics from December 11, thanks again, Dwayne!

Read about Pearson College. It opened in 1974:
Pedder Bay, across from the college.
Use at your own risk today meant cross this bridge and go the wrong way.
Lots of rain, lots of water in the creek.
Identify this plant and win a prize.
Lots of water for the waterfall, unlike in the summer.
The famous Barde Knockie trail.
The Godin/Newton Observatory, and lavatory.
Relax at the table near the observatory. If this picture looks blurred you need to relax. ;-)
Port Angeles seemed very close today. We could see individual buildings, despite the distance being 30km. (see below) Hmmm...
You can't go to the observatory without seeing the Milky Way.
The other end of the famous Barde Knockie trail.
We finished up with a little whale watching.

Here are some pictures and the track we did at Pearson College on Feb 4, 2012.  This is a great place for a hike, and we will certainly be revisiting.

It was a beautiful day..

... and we found this historic trail that linked to the Galloping Goose.

Part of the trail and a sign post to the observatory.

The Goose.

CSI Pearson College!

The observatory - it has a cosy washroom next to it - running water in summer and electric lights!


Due to a lunch date, some of us didn't make it to the falls - only about ten minutes further on, but that's treat in store for our next visit.

Name:Pearson College
Date:Feb 4, 2012 9:31 am
(valid until Aug 2, 2012)
View on Map
Distance:5.64 kilometers
Elapsed Time:1:01:28
Avg Speed:5.5 km/h
Max Speed:17.9 km/h
Avg Pace:10' 54" per km
Min Altitude:0 m
Max Altitude:83 m
Start Time:2012-02-04T17:31:41Z
Start Location:
Latitude:48.348152º N
Longitude:123.566609º W
End Location:
Latitude:48.348314º N
Longitude:123.567439º W

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