Thursday, August 25, 2011

August 30, Gowlland Tod reprised

We arrived on time and at the right car park to meet our whole party this time!  We headed off in the right direction to hit the Timberman trail and arrived at the sign on the picture below to take the Ridge Top Trail, which seems to be the same as the Timberman depending on the map.

It was a good aerobic hike past viewpoints that would have provided a better view of Finlayson Arm when the trees were smaller.

We saw what might be northern water horehound.  Seemed like a type of mint and was definitely aromatic.

Also -  Queen Anne's Lace (we think)

In any event this was a large rock!

We walked the trail until it was time to turn back.  We did 6.5 to 8k depending on which pedometer to believe. Overall a good aerobic hike through interesting trails.  Next time we visit Gowlland Tod we should try the Caleb Pike access and head towards Mt. Finlayson.

Car poolers will be leaving the centre at 9:15, and leaving the Gowlland Tod Car Park to start the hike at 9:45. We are meeting at the same car park as for the previous walk in Gowlland Tod.

This time we're doing some of Ridge Top Trail.  Click for map of park.

We will leave the car park, walk down (south) Ross Durance Road to get to the trail head on the opposite side of the road.  We will follow this sign and go onto Ridge Top Trail. We'll follow the trail, hit a few view points and head back when we're ready, staying on this trail the whole time.

Click here for direction map.

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