Friday, November 8, 2013

Paris Walk October 22, 2013


Meet at the American University of Paris.  We will be walking to the Arc de Triomphe, avoiding the scam artist who pretends to find a gold ring under your park bench, down the Champs Elysees, crossing over to Quai d'Orsay and back to Rue Cler. It's about 7.93 K including detours to have sex on the beach at the Renault Cars centre. (53, Avenue des Champs Élysées 75008 Paris) It's a bargain at 12 euros!


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Name:Paris Walk
Date:Oct 22, 2013 10:27 am
(valid until Apr 20, 2014)
View on Map
Distance:7.93 kilometers
Elapsed Time:4:08:49
Avg Speed:1.9 km/h
Max Speed:10.9 km/h
Avg Pace:31' 23" per km
Min Altitude:6 m
Max Altitude:101 m
Start Time:2013-10-22T08:27:29Z
Start Location: 
 Latitude:48º 51' 35" N
 Longitude:2º 18' 11" E
End Location: 
 Latitude:48º 51' 27" N
 Longitude:2º 18' 22" E

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