Monday, July 22, 2013

East Sooke Park - Babbington Hill and Cabin Point - Saturday Recon - July 20, 2013,

This was a great hike - lots of fantastic views and some scrambling during the cardio sections.


View East Sooke Park - Babbington Hill and Cabin Point - July 20, 2013 in a larger map




Name:East Sooke Park Babbington Hill and Cabin Point
Date:2013-07-20 9:03 am
(valid until Jan 18, 2014)
View on Map
Distance:8.37 kilometers
Elapsed Time:3:57:07
Avg Speed:2.1 km/h
Max Speed:10.6 km/h
Avg Pace:28' 19" per km
Min Altitude:8 m
Max Altitude:219 m
Start Time:2013-07-20T16:03:54Z
Start Location:
Latitude:48º 19' 37" N
Longitude:123º 38' 21" W
End Location:
Latitude:48º 19' 37" N
Longitude:123º 38' 21" W

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