Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Saturday, Jan 21, 2012 Ed Nixon Trail

Three Ad Hoc Hikers braved the thawing snow on Ed Nixon Trail on Saturday, Jan 21, 2012.

We saw some anglers and plenty of dog walkers and managed the walk without any broken limbs despite the somewhat slippery conditions. The thaw was so fast that we could swear there was less snow on the boardwalks as we made our way back along the trail.

This is a pretty good short walk on flat terrain, and it can be extended at the highway end of the trail if desired.

Name:Ed Nixon Trail
Date:Jan 21, 2012 9:29 am
(valid until Jul 19, 2012)
View on Map
Distance:5.37 kilometers
Elapsed Time:57:53.5
Avg Speed:5.6 km/h
Max Speed:52.4 km/h
Avg Pace:10' 47" per km
Min Altitude:15 m
Max Altitude:69 m
Start Time:2012-01-21T17:29:52Z
Start Location:
Latitude:48.444277º N
Longitude:123.525810º W
End Location:
Latitude:48.444294º N
Longitude:123.525942º W

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